Saturday, January 15, 2022

Week Nights (11/20/19)

Week nights are hard. Week nights are chaotic. After work, the running starts: practices, meetings, dinner, baths, books, prayers...the lists goes on and on.

I stood here looking at my kitchen as I got one kid in the shower so one could be out of the way before we have to go pick up another from practice. Let's be honest, it's a train wreck. Craft projects on the counter, dinner on the stove, dishes in the sink, trash to go out. #mess

Despite the mess that's still yet to be cleaned up, it's a winning, better than a lot of nights, night. Why? Dinner was more homemade than frozen. Little minds created crafts from their own imagination. Fighting was almost nonexistent #momwin and despite the chaos, I don't feel stressed.

I take the little victories and while they may not be of any magnitude to most, it's a blessing to me. The little victories feel like huge successes more times than not...I just have to take the time to appreciate the beauty in the mess ❤

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