Saturday, January 15, 2022

Self-Taught (12/10/19)

 Do any of you have one kid that's just ridiculously smart and headstrong? That's my Bry. She decided a week ago that she wanted to learn to write in cursive. Now me knowing that's a more advanced skill than most freshly turned 6 years old have, I told her I'd look into finding a workbook. I found one and intended to put it her stocking for Christmas.

Apparently my timeline wasn't working fast enough for her. I came home last night to find a sheet of paper she'd written her name several times on...IN CURSIVE! I opened her school folder tonight and there even more clear was her name again in improved form.

This kid is quick. If it's something she wants to do, she'll figure out how to get it done with or without your help. Her problem: she's her mama's child and gets bored quickly if she's met a challenge that she's set for herself.

Here's hoping we can channel her drive into good! Any tips on how to keep her from getting bored as she advances are appreciated!

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