Saturday, January 15, 2022

Old School Fun (4/8/20)

Today we had some old school fun:

*garden hose✔
*Mother May I?✔
*Homemade chalk paint✔

I even donned my swimming suit to show them how we played in the sprinkler back in the "olden days"😄

I try everyday to make the most of the time that I have with my girls. Some days I do better than others. Today I chose to be extra intentional.

I'm an essential worker (I'm extremely grateful and blessed to have my job) and honestly I've had a little envy of all of the fun things I've seen others doing with their kids. So today, I took an extra couple of hours, threw away the shame of not having my summer body on point and played with the girls.

Was it the coolest thing we've ever done? Probably not. Lately they've all been asking questions about things from when I was a kid and what I did. Today, we relived it. So while it may not have been the most adventurous thing we've done (though I'd argue 37 years old running barefoot on wet grass is adventuresome 😁) we had a blast doing it.

We had simple old fashioned fun that gave them a glance of my past. We laughed and we had fun together. I think that's the simple beauty and gift that this moment in time is giving us...the ability to find simple joy. The ability to reconnect at the most basic levels.

I've got to say my heart needed it. It needed the slow down. Today it came in the form of a garden hose and stained hands. Today was a gift that my heart and soul is grateful for. It was a great reminder to look at the simple gifts God's given us to find our joy even in the midst of uncertainty.

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