Saturday, January 15, 2022

Love When You Don't Deserve It (5/13/20)


*I accidentally cracked a chair leg in the middle of lecturing my kids about taking care of our stuff
*I threatened to take away all articles of clothing and shoes except one item of each
*I swore on everything good and holy they'd lose all worldly belongings

Basically I sucked as a mom. I'd reached my limit with the fighting over nonsense and not taking care of things.
*I was frustrated
*I was the point of tears
*I yelled to get my point across
You know all the really great things a homerun kinda mom does🤦‍♀️

But you know what?
*They still wanted me to pray with them.
*They still wanted me to sing.
*They still wanted hugs and kisses before they went to sleep.

So yeah, tonight I kinda stunk. I lost my cool. But these little people are my people and they still loved me anyway. They even took it upon themselves to start tidying up in effort to mitigate the situation.

And that's kinda cool, to see someone love you even when you're not all that great.

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