Motherhood is hard. It doesn't matter if everything was picture perfect from conception to birth, once that baby arrives life gets harder. It's learning to balance your life and the needs of a new baby that is completely dependent upon you for everything. It's wonderful and hard and exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.
Now imagine trying to find this balance with your baby in the NICU here way earlier than you had planned. Imagine hearing all of the things that could go wrong, lingo that you have never heard, trying to fill out form after form to make sure everything is covered. Overwhelming, right?
I fortunately never had to experience this. Everything went as well as could be each time God gave us a new little miracle. I've known people that have had this life, but never someone that I'm exceptionally close to. Until now.
These sweet people are my sister and niece. Matilda came into this world at 28 weeks after giving her mommy a run for her money. I've watched from the sidelines (most of the time a state away, which is too far for my liking) as my sister has learned to navigate these unknown waters. When they tell you NICU moms and babies are tough, they aren't lying.
I've seen her get up every day and do what no mommy should have to, sit hour after hour, day after day in the hospital hoping to be allowed to touch her baby. I've watched her smile with excitement at each ounce this baby gained. She's learned a language that was once foreign in just a few short weeks.
Today she text me with their biggest win to date, she was able to nurse her baby! Any mom that's nursed knows that it feels like a victory anytime you can do this. But for her it was the first time SHE got to feed her baby. Can I just say how stinking PROUD of her I am?! It took work and determination to get to this point. She had to exclusively pump until this day, not even being able to feed the baby a bottle with her milk.
Sometimes the small victories in life are actually what make us feel the most blessed. Would I have been as equally proud of her being able to feed my niece her first bottle? You bet your bottom dollar. But this was important to her, to them, and she made it happen!
Motherhood is hard. Harder if you're the mama in the NICU. Mama, hang onto every small victory and success you and your baby have. You're building stepping stones for every obstacle that comes your way, and you're setting you both up to overcome them.
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