Saturday, January 15, 2022

Siblings (10/25/19)

 These people. This bond. This love.

There are days I don't like them. There are days, they feel the same way towards me.

There are times I don't like their choices and they mine.

There are times when they absolutely hate what I have to say, because I can be too blunt.

But these people, are the people that I cheer for. They're the ones that even when we don't agree with what the other is doing, we support one another the best we can.

These people I'm bonded to beyond just being siblings. They're a piece of my soul. The part of my soul that needs to hug and see you in person to make sure you're ok.

They're the ones that drop everything to drive cross country if needed.

They're the ones that when the wheels start coming off and your world feels like it's crumbling, they're there picking up the pieces and holding you together.

When one hurts, we all hurt. We love and we love hard.

For some it's a love that's hard to understand. It's hard to understand because it's big and it's strong and it's real. The kind of real love that can knock you down, but pick you up all at the same time.

It's the kind of love and bond I hope and pray for for my girls.

These people are my people. Forever bonded, forever loved.

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