Sunday, January 16, 2022

Just a Glimpse (7/16/21)

Navigating the teen years hasn't been my favorite. I find myself struggling to let go of my little girl and allowing her to find herself. I find myself grasping to hang on to any little piece of her. I find myself slowly learning to let go of the expectations and hopes I have for her to allow her to find her own.

Every once in a while though, I receive a gift.  A gift that gives me a glimpse into the heart of the beautiful soul that I've always known. It's as simple as a picture that captures her genuine laugh. In that I see my little girl and her carefree giggles of years gone by. In the same picture I get peek at the future of the beautiful young woman she's becoming. It tells me she's going to be alright. Though she's still finding herself and I'm trying hard to let her, that same beautiful soul is inside guiding her. That beautiful soul will develop into a beautiful woman. She just has to see herself the same way her mama does: beautiful inside and out.

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