Saturday, January 15, 2022

Grace (4/28/20)

Grace. Such a simple word. Yet a word with an amazing power behind it.

It's something given, not earn. It's admired, yet not abundantly given to one another in. I guess that's why when I see it happen, I'm amazed.

God gives us a grace that we don't deserve. Not because we deserve it or earn it, but because he loves us. As humans unfortunately, our tendency often doesn't run the same way. We're quick to defend. We're quick to condemn. Offering forgiveness and grace is something that we gloss over.

Yet being on the receiving end of grace always feels like such a reprieve. When I've messed up and someone has forgiven me when I didn't deserve it, it was a weight lifted from my shoulders.

I've watched my children be given grace by other adults and children when they could have easily reacted harshly. As a mama, I can't thank you enough for modeling grace for them. You could have easily belittled their actions or choices and defended your family, instead you chose to accept their apology and remind them that we all make mistakes.

Mistakes are something we all make. Yet we find it easier to fault others for theirs. We all struggle, we all fall short. How much better would the world be if we gave the grace we would like to receive?

The kid that messed up, put yourself in their shoes and think of how you'd have felt at that age with the reaction you're about to give. The grocery store worker that your waiting on, your probably not the only person they've dealt with today. When you're frustrated at someone else's actions, remember you cannot control their choice or the outcomes from them, but you can choose how you react. Why not react with grace?

We can learn so much from each other even when we disagree when we react with grace instead of anger or hate. We each have the ability daily to impart grace that reaches beyond who we are, it's simply a choice as to whether or not we utilize it.

Just as God has given us grace where we fall short, let us look to give others the same in their moments of weakness and failure. Let us be the light that shows grace and love win.

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