Saturday, January 15, 2022

Bathtime (12/13/19)

 'm not going to lie, baths aren't my favorite. Around here, I tend to go for speed and efficiency, which generally means showers. Besides showers are way easier on an old girl's back 🤷‍♀️

But I gotta tell ya, on the nights that I give in and let them take baths I hear the best giggles. Sometimes they all three littles want to cram in one tub, sometimes they don't because one "needs a bath balm and to relax." Either way, they play. They laugh. They giggle.

Almost 100% of the time I have soaked floors and wet walls from whatever game they've invented. The "not another thing to clean up" mom in me struggles hard to repress herself.

But sometimes, it's totally worth it. Sometimes the messes are outweighed by smiles, by the imagination, by the bonding that's occurring in those moments. So tonight as I soak up the soaking wet floors, I'm remembering to soak in these little moments too because one day the bathtub giggles will be gone and I'll miss the giggles and probably the mess that came with them.

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