Saturday, January 15, 2022

Poster Child (11/25/29)

 "Poster Child." So often that term has a negative connotation. Not today!

Today this guy, my husband, was called a poster child for post cancer surgery recovery! Can I say it a little louder?! That's right, an amazingly miraculous, beyond better than expected, CANCER FREE bill of health!!!

Oh how my heart and soul prayed for those words. I am so grateful for the surgeon that did such a wonderful job, but mostly I'm thankful to God for giving him the gift to do what he does.

Friends so many of you prayed for this. Prayed not only for the surgery, but for the recovery and the results. The power of prayer never ceases to amaze me. Yes, it's certainly easier to sing God's praise when everything turned out as you hoped; but I believe that either way, prayer is powerful! Thank you to those of you who joined us in this journey, I am forever grateful.

Today, he gained a new name, and it's one that I hope lives on long after the memory of hearing the word "cancer " is a distant memory. Here's to you my Poster Child! I'm forever thankful I get to use those words ❤

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