Saturday, January 15, 2022

All In (1/15/20)

 Most days I wake up early before the rest of my house awakens to exercise and get a few other things accomplished without interruption. Some days, the twins will come down midway through my workout so I'll pause it to tuck them in bed with daddy. Yesterday I overslept so my morning was rushed leaving no time for exercise. I'd decided I was going to find a way to squeeze it in last night.

These little blurs in the picture are of my three littles exercising with me (big sis was being a bookworm upstairs).❤ They remind me constantly what it is to love: they're all in it if it means being there with me. They smiled, sweated, and ughed at the hard parts right along with me. Here's what I love: they're with me, all in because it was important to me. They could have chosen to go play or watch tv, but they stayed with me instead. 🥰

They've learned from a young age that we're all in this together and we support each other. From all the parades and dinners for my job to all the sitting in the stands for older sister's sports, we're there. What's so cool to me is that they choose to live it out even if it means sweating it out right before it's time for bed.

Motherhood teaches me new things every day. How to live, love, and support one another with all you've got is a lesson I hope I never quit learning and they never quit teaching ❤

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