Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Why I'm Not Trying To Fool You With My Facebook Status

It seems to be more prevalent these days that I see stories about "why your Facebook status doesn't fool me."  The author goes on to explain why they think people with the #blessed status are phony. Let's be honest, we all have thought that or know someone who's life isn't as great as they make it seem on social media. But here's the deal, life's about what you make of it.

Scroll through my page and you'll see lots of #blessed. Mixed in you'll see the real life fits and messes too, but not near as often. I'm not trying to fool anyone with what I choose to post.  Let's face it, my life is as big of a mess as the next person's (check out It's A Sweet, Sweet Mess where I recount some of our ups and downs, the mess I made with Doughnut and A Puzzle, my own secrets in She Gave Me Courage, or someone saying something that irritates me Watch What You Say).  Nope, not trying to fool you, just choosing to make the best of what I've got.

The way I see it is that you can choose to let the happy parts of your life shine through or let the negative overtake you. I'm real. Lots of times before or after those sweet pictures of my kiddos, there's been some sort of catastrophe, whether it be a fight, a mess, whining, or a million other things, it happens. But I choose to not let those things be my memories. I choose to let the smiles, the love, the happiness be what I live.

Don't get me wrong, there's times that I struggle to find highlights in my day. I'm human. I'm not trying to fool you by saying I'm blessed, but I believe that I am. I believe that my salvation blessed me with the greatest gift ever. I'm blessed to have a loving and supportive husband. I'm blessed because I have four beautiful healthy girls. I have an extended family that supports us and blesses us more than we deserve. I'm blessed with a job that I love and a home. Nope, I'm not rich. I'm not famous. I'm not stick thin because hey, It's Not What It Used To Be.  None the less, I'm pretty darn blessed.

I won't be apologizing to those of you on your high horses judging my level of blessing or what you perceive my life to be. I'm not trying to fool you with what my Facebook status says, but here's the thing, I don't post for you, it's for me.  I'm just trying to make the best of this life I've been blessed with and whether you see it or not, I'm #blessed.

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