Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I'm Not Voting For A Letter

As you know, I'm an elected official. I hold my job by people voting for me. I happen to run with the letter "R" behind my name. That letter doesn't define me. Nor should it. Just as the letters "D" and "I" shouldn't define a person on any other ticket.

Throughout our great nation, we have many important elections coming up. Each candidate runs with a letter behind their name. That's where the trouble begins. We become so blinded by that letter that we forget that we're supposed to be looking for someone that represents us. Just as much as they forget that they are to represent us (remember, Enough is Enough). The letters divide us.

Though I run on the ballot with a "R" behind my name, it simply represents the party that most closely represents the values that I hold. I'm not a straight ticket voter. Nor are a lot of the people that elect me to do the job I do. I have to have support from both sides. I vote for the person that represents me and what I believe in. I look for a candidate that works toward good government, not party politics. Anymore that's just flat out hard to find.

Unfortunately, we've all become pawns in this game. We're led to believe that in order to be a good contributor to a political party that we must prescribe to the sheep mentality and follow party lines. We have to drink the kool-aid if you will and go lock step with the leaders of whichever party we claim to be. We as Americans have done a pretty good job of that. We've failed to hold our leaders accountable, we've followed party lines because that's what we're supposed to do.

Rise up America. Stop voting for a letter. Vote for a person. Take off your blinders. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it's the little guy that the world says doesn't have a chance. I mean who doesn't love an underdog? The bottom line is you should vote for who you think will do what's right. Find the one that you believe will represent your beliefs the best (let's face it, your not going to find one that represents and believes all of the things that you do). Then get out and vote for those values and beliefs.

The only vote wasted is the vote not taken.

I haven't and I won't vote for a letter. I'll vote for a person. Period. I encourage you to do the same.

This message brought to you by the letter R. (Remember they're supposed to REPRESENT us)!

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