Sunday, June 12, 2022

I Get It Now 4/11/22

Today I finished up the last round of thank you notes to be sent out. I looked at the stack of cards and notes and my heart was overwhelmed with gratefulness. Next to the notes sat envelopes full of donations to local charities in memory of my dad. When I walk through my house, there are plants throughout as reminders of those that cared.

I've read every note. I've passed along every word to my kids that was sent for them. We felt the love from those that we love and those that loved Dad. Thank you really isn't enough in times like these.
I never really realized how impactful those words and calls were. How much the cards meant. How simply showing up with some chips and plates meant so much. I get it now.
When you lose someone that you love, the pain and loss are monumental. But I promise you, the words you say, the notes, the food, the hugs, they help. My heart will never be whole again, but each one of the acts of kindness extended to our family helped mend it just a little bit.
Through our loss, I've learned so much, much of which I wish I'd never had to learn. Know this, no act is too small and your thoughts and prayers matter. This takeaway though was big for me: show up. It's overwhelming when it's all coming at you, but it's noticed and appreciated.
As I continue to learn lessons and find any good I can in this situation, you all showed me the good. The good is in others. The good is in showing up. The good is in your love and prayers. There is good. Thank you for reminding me that even in our worst times, there is good and it's found in each one of us.
I promise to start showing up more because now, I get it.

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