You bounded into my room before the alarm went off. You were fully dressed and ready to go. The sparkle in your eyes was joyful and the smile on your face was contagious. You my sweet girl were the epitome of the joy that only a Kindergartner can exude.
This wasn't the first day of school upon which I would expect this enthusiasm. It's been the first day and every day since. You love school and the independence it brings!
Each day you awake with excitement for what your day holds. You are up and ready to take on the day because the possibilities in your world are endless. Oh what we could learn from you! You don't see the challenges that each day presents, you see the possibility and things to learn from those obstacles. To you, they are a new opportunity to learn.
Kindergarten gives you the ability to show your skills. Each night I watch you pick out your clothes with care (often either long sleeves or pants because that's what you love to wear regardless of weather). Each morning you come down dressed and ready to go with the eagerness of someone that's been given the freedom to completely be themselves.
You giggle through breakfast and look forward to what you're going to learn today. You can't wait to do math. The idea of reading on your own excites you.
Each evening you come home excited to tell me about your day. You tell me what you learned, what you ate, what you played. You love it all. The joy in you is palatable.
Part of me struggles with how big you've become in such a short period of time. Part of me wants you to stay little forever. But most of me loves this. I love watching you grow. You've been waiting for a long time (in your mind) for Kindergarten. I've known you'd love it and would do well. What I didn't know, is that I'd see the true joy of Kindergarten. The world has new possibilities through your eyes and I love that I'm getting to see it through those beautiful eyes.
I pray you never lose that excitement for life. I hope you forever love learning. I pray that even as you grow, you see the world with the joy of a Kindergartner.
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