When you think about a fairy tale, what do you see? A wedding? Cinderella? A rags to riches story? Or do you think about your life?
I believe that this life, the one that I live, is a fairy tale. Now don't get me wrong, there are some days that I look around and my house looks like it needs the Cinderella from the early years. The days when there are four load of laundry to be washed, folded, and put away. The days when the dishes abound and the dust on the mantel is thick, you'd find it odd to say that my life is a fairy tale. But I'd argue that it is just that.
A fairy tale isn't that picture or moment in time where all of the stars align. Most people think of weddings as fairy tale events, heck the real life princesses of the world are expected to set that standard. It looks pretty for the camera and that's what we as a society have been trained to believe life should be, that picture perfect moment in time.
I see it different. I see messes and tears; laughter and joy; pain and hurt; love and happiness. When I see those things, when I look around and see the life I've been blessed with, I see my fairy tale. Fairy tales are what you choose to believe they are. I choose to believe that these faces, the ones that make messes, make me crazy, make me mad, make me laugh, give me grace, show me love and happiness far beyond anything that I ever imagined are what make this life a fairy tale. I have a husband that loves me through the good times and the not so good times (I think of them as character building times, but not bad times) and believes in me and all of my crazy dreams. I've been entrusted with four of the most beautiful souls you'll ever find and that I love with all of my heart. I've been blessed with a job that I'm forever grateful for and that has opened more doors of opportunity than I could have ever imagined.
I see my fairy tale as this life. The one that I want to drink in every second of. The days that are hard because they make me appreciate the good ones. The days so full of happiness and giggles, I think my heart may explode. The funny words and inside jokes, that's what makes life a fairy tale.
No, it isn't a moment. It isn't perfect, but I don't think it's supposed to be. It's what you make it and what you choose to believe. I choose this, the blessed beyond what I deserve, gift from God life to be my fairy tale. You only get one life, why not make it a fairy tale one?