So often it's easy to overlook that you are just trying to learn who you are and who you're meant to be. I'm so busy trying to keep you in a box, that I forget to let you be the wildflower that you are; that you're meant to be. When I actually let myself slow down and take it, I get to see it:
- You jumping over mole hills as you run anxiously toward your day (oh how I hope you never stop jumping over every mole hill in your life, treating them as just that, a mole hill, not a mountain in your way)
- You knowing, dressing, and believing that you are in fact a beautiful princess, but not letting that stop you from knowing you can take on anything and kick butt like a ninja
- Your determination to get where you want to go and fighting for it because it's something you believe in
- You skipping along the way without a care in the world
- Stopping whatever you're doing to check out the ladybugs as they crawl on the ground and marvel in their existence
- How quickly you're growing because I know one day your y's will be the l's that they're meant to be and you'll no longer need to sit on my "yap." And your p's will turn into f's and you'll want to tickle my feet instead of my "peet"
- You've gone from wanting me to read you our favorite book to me reading the first chapter of a "romance" novel you're writing
- You've grown from me picking out your clothes to being able to zip your own coat because "I can do it"
That's when I see it. I see that though I'm exhausted and feel like I'm not good enough to be your mommy at times, you inspire me. You inspire me and make me appreciate how blessed I am to soak in these moments if I just let myself.
You allow me to see that you live a life to be envied in the most awe-inspiring way. You're filled with hope, dreams, carefree determination, love and the belief that all is good. And though some days are exhausting and I wonder why I try, if I slow down and watch you, I get it. I get to see the joy and love of a life well lived and loved.
You're wildflowers, you're not made to stay within the wall of a flower box that I've designed. So I'll watch you grow wild and free, because that's who you are and where you need to be. And though my heart may cry sometimes, I see the beauty in the wild and in you my sweet, sweet child.