I've been absent from blogging for a few months. It's been a tough couple of months (more in a later blog). I did have the opportunity to have dates with some of the most special people in the world to me.
The day that I took Brylynn on her date, she said words that I'll never forget with the biggest smile on her face "me and her!" Yep kiddo, forever and always. Not only that for the special date that we were going on that day, but to me it rang true for her life. The more I thought about those words spoken by my three year old, the more they resonated with me.
I started my week of special dates with my mom. Moms, they're kinda one of those things that you don't appreciate as much as you should until you're a parent yourself. It's amazing how much we've grown. She was just a baby herself when she had me. She grew up as she raised me. (I like to think that I turned out pretty ok). Me and her, growing up together, and here she is helping me raise my kids too. Me and her figuring out another chapter of life.
I had an unexpected night at home with the twins. It turned out to be a pretty great night. They entertained by singing and dancing. We read and played. It was simple, it was fun. That night, I was reminded just how lucky they are. They will get to go through life saying "me and her" because they have a built in best friend and they love each other. They get to say that times four. Not only do they have each other, but they have two older sisters that I know will stand by them. Added bonus, they get me.
My last date for the week was with Maui. She was the first one that taught me what being a mommy was. We went to dinner and a show, we laughed, and we loved, me and her.
Me and her. Each one of those ladies mean the world to me. They shape me, challenge me, and love me. I love knowing that with each of the them, it's "me and her." In every walk of life, they can know that it'll be me and her, and I get to know the same. How lucky am I?
The more I go through life, the more uncertainty I see. Don't be confused, I have absolute certainty of where I'll be and where I'm going. But as I look around, not everyone can say the same. I didn't always walk through life like that, and sometimes, there are situations that I'm not sure how they'll go. Here's the thing, I may not know how a certain situation will end, but I know where I'll ultimately end and I know who's walking with me during uncertain times.
The situations that have come my way lately, I've handled with grace, maturity, and love FAR beyond what I alone am capable of. I've chosen words carefully. I've thought before I acted. These are things that I can't do on my own when my emotions are high, heck sometimes I can't when they aren't high. God's had His hand on me, and I know that and feel that.
The past several months haven't been an easy for me. And I've kinda got the feeling that God's been saying "it's me and her." There's a security that I have. A comfort. A calmness. And as he says "it's me and her," I know without a doubt that there's nothing more true.
One day I'll be gone, but I hope my girls will walk with the same certainty knowing that God's saying through every obstacle, every trial, every victory and success, "it's me and her." My sweet Bry, you spoke words of wisdom beyond your years. It's me and her...